

There are certain aspects of discernment that are crucial for striving to live a virtuous life and responding to God’s grace- Prayer, a Spiritual Director, actively receiving the Sacraments. But there is another one that does not often get enough credit as it deserves: surrounding yourself with people who desire to live a virtuous life as well.

So, today’s Sunday Inspiration guest post is brought to you by my dear CK Extraordinaire, whose example and fidelity continues to enlighten me with hope and perseverance.

Part 1: A unique, discerning soul.

An invitation. There has been a gradual and very gentle invitation from Jesus attracting me to consecrated life. I have been invited. This is something hard and beautiful that I must face. The invitation is subtle but easy to see with the eyes of prayer and in the moments of openness. The reasons I am attracted to consecrated life connect to my personhood; who I am and the qualities I hold as an individual woman of God. I am attracted to community life and living a life intricately connected with the three evangelical counsels.

Longing. As this invitation has pierced my heart, so does the longing to be a wife and physical mother. At this point only God knows where He is leading me. I continue asking, seeking and knocking in order to find out. With His help, purified in His grace and allowing Him to make all things new, any confusion, fear or pride slowly becomes a genuine heart; desire to do His will; and faith that He will continue to lead as He speaks to me gently and gradually.

Part 2: Practical tools for the journey.

Prayer. The crux of any discernment, as my spiritual director often reminds me is the Trinity. I so often forget this obvious realization infinite in content. Persevere in prayer to God our Father, His son Jesus with the Holy Spirit. Our Blessed Mother and the Saints also are there to help! They have lived in the world and know similar circumstances.

Fasting. “Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the Desert..He fasted for 40 days and 40 nights” Mt 4:1-2.

A spiritual director. In the midst of confusion spiritual direction is essential for presenting personal spiritual questions and concerns to an unbiased priest (in my case) seeking the truth and God’s will. While talking through life, patterns and clues inevitably come up and can be faced with prayerful help.

Identity in Christ. Each person has different interests, talents, gifts, personalities, and temperaments that are important to notice, stretch and form. Attention to these qualities can glorify God as He created us to be exactly ourselves!

Trust. Listening in the silence to His voice in open receptivity will lead to the answer in His time.
