

I love lists. and Maps. and Papers. But I am not a task-oriented nazi. I usually write to-do lists for the sake of writing them and then promptly lose them or forget about them.

Exhibit A:


My wedding anniversary that never happened was May 3, 2008. Five years later and there is still a never-before-worn wedding dress and chapel veil hanging in my closet. That little doozy has been on my to-do list for the past 2 years but it hasn’t helped me get any closer to selling the darn thing.

Many people have tried to therapize me and tell me all of my subconcious feelings towards the dress and that relationship, but really it just comes down to one thing:

I’m lazy.

So in an attempt to organize my life, I’ve identified 3 motivational kick-starters:

1. Surround yourself with motivated individuals. When my friend ran an ultra-marathon (For those of you normal people out there- that is fifty miles. Five, Zero.) on her thirtieth birthday, my motivation sky-rocketed and I began training harder, racing half-marathons, and have since started training for my first full. I don’t think I will ever love running THAT much to run an ultra, but her example has been a great motivator in my own running journey.

2. Get regular and GOOD sleep. This is probably the number one motivational-killer. If you don’t sleep, you don’t function to your full capacity (unless your JPII and God gives you the grace to need only 3 hours of sleep a night).

3. Drink water like a fish. I’m an avid believer that water= brain juice.  And while I am clearly addicted to coffee, I know my caffeine overload is more likely to induce a heart attack than productive outcomes.  When water is my main drink of choice, I feel more energized, am more clear-headed and more desirous to get things accomplished.

Now, on to selling that dress…