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I’ve been impatient. Restless. And while I wouldn’t classify my current temperament as ungracious, I would definitely say I’ve been somewhat of a brat lately in both my actions and my demands of God.

So when I’m impulsive and stubborn and defiant, my friends challenge me, support me, and uncoditionally love me- even when I’m being crazy.

Thank God for friends.

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St. Francis de Sales writes: “It is lovely to be able to love on earth as one loves in heaven, and to learn to love one another in this world as we will eternally in the next. I am not speaking here of the simple love of charity, because we must have this for all people; I am speaking of spiritual friendship, in the ambit of which two, three or more persons exchange devotion, spiritual affections, and truly become one spirit” (Introduction to the Devout Life, III, 19).