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Christ is risen indeed!

Every year this joyous season reminds me of one thing:


Distance from the Past

It is somewhat surreal to believe that 8 years ago, I was a 17 year old girl who embraced the Church through the gift of God’s grace.  And yet, in all of that generous grace, I was utterly naive.  Naive to think that I would always desire to live out the Catholic faith every moment of every day.  Naive to think it was going to be easy. Naive to the reality that the enemy would use people, places, and things to tempt me away from Christ. I am blessed that He continues to Love me, to desire my ultimate good, and to lead me closer to Him.

Distance from the Future

The person I am today is at a far distance from the person Christ is ultimately calling me to be.

And in this distance, I am reminded once again of my complete dependency on Christ. The tension between “almost, but not yet” will forever manifest itself in the Christian state of life. But the empty tomb does not leave us despondent! In our embrace of the risen Christ, we are able to live a life of hopeful expectation.  Christ does not disappoint! I continue to be amazed by His faithfulness.


Currently I am reading an exhortation from Kirekegaard in Cantalamessa’s Virginity (Side note: Canalamessa happens to be on my list of top 5 favorite writers. Read him. You won’t regret it.). 

“God wants celibacy, because He wants to be loved…O infinite Majesty, even if You were not love, even if You were aloof in your infinite majesty, I still could not help loving You, for I need something majestic to love. What others have complained of- namely that they did not find love in this world, and therefore felt the need to love You, since You are love (Which I agree with totally)- I would like to proclaim too, and apply it to the majestic. There was and is in my soul a need for majesty, which I shall never grow tired or weary of adoring. In the world, I found nothing of this majesty for which I yearned.” 
